Thursday, June 24, 2010

Scooter Rage 24

Were you there? Did you make it?  Oh, it was so much FUN!
Heres the video of the endurance challenge: 
Saturday morning started out at Barry's SF Scooter Center.  Spare parts and extras were everywhere, as it was the swapmeet part of the rally.  Need a P200 exhaust? Chrome? Tires? Got it.
I didn't stay there for long...I split at noon to meet my team at the SFMC club house for the "Reading of the Rules".  I'll be damned if they didn't hammer it home that it was most definitely not a speed race! Safety third was definitely not the motto, but this was good, as it gave the whole group plenty of time to read, sign and agree to the terms.  No bullshit here.
There were roughly 40 riders and another half dozen support members to help with checkin in and rider switches.  Well staffed and supported made for a really relaxing go where all of us were able to focus on our team and not the semantics. 
Starting the challenge was like a scene out leMans:  riders fully geared up were on one side of the street and the bikes, keyed, gassed and primed were on the other.  Mike Z had the flag.  On three, he dropped it, called the start and the riders bounded across the asphalt.  

In the chaos of those first minutes the separation and connections between the teams became apparent.  Vintage riders were either on the bike already, or were kicking their bikes to get going.  One either flooded or was broken from the start and never left the finish line.  1 down; 8 to go!
Moderns were up and at it, pulling away from the curb to the light and then down the block. The cheers from the crowd nearly drowned out the two-stroke chatter. Camera paparazzi? Well, we were everywere.  In the thick of the race, on the edges and the ground, looking up for the best shots. 
Each lap took about 1.25 hours, so after they left, the party started and kept going until midnight, which was roughly 3 rider changes in and COLD.
My team, alas, was second to DNF.  On our 4th and final rider, in the dark at close to 11PM, rider and bike went down on a darkened curb.  Two flat tires, a bent rim and compressed shocks left the little Blackjack Buddy needing to be lifted into the back of the support truck and trailed in to the clubhouse. Still, the party went on, and I took this as a sign to go take more pictures!  It was a battle between Oz and I...he won.  Better glass and a better understanding of settings gave him some badass shots of the evening's actions.
I dont think anyone caught the Scooter Girl smash  at check in though! Haven't seen those pics surface yet.

 So I caught a few good pics, but managed to pass out sometime after 3AM, when the pizza arrived.  A few beers, some mexican thumb wrestling matches (complete with masks), and a plethora of fine cigars had subdued the riders waiting for their turns. Bodies littered the floor, the sofas and even the bar.  Good times.  Bagel had a spare air mattress that I took advantage of, sleeping until the leak had me laying on the floor.  Up again in time for the sunrise! Frozen solid too, I might add. 
Riders came in, switched out, and warmed up.  You could tell who'd just come in but their stiff movements, pacing around outside the clubhouse as the coffee finished brewing.  No matter how many years I have lived in this city, I am always suprised how you can go from wearing a tank top and sweating it out in the sun during the afternoon to a night and morning so cold your breath frosts over as you speak.  
Morning wore on and a few people came by to check the ride stats before heading to the afternoon group ride.  As time passed and noon hit, the final short laps of the race and the modifications for Sunday in the park were made.  The riders were switching out faster and the times were getting closer. Nobody knew exactly where their standing were because the board hadn't been updated. Everyone just kept riding, and really enjoying themselves!  Frankly it's the most fun and most social event I've been to in ages for the scooter scene. 
FINALLY, 2:30 approaches.  The checkered flag comes out.  The crowd has grown.  The bar was freely flowing with beer for the team members.  Warm weather, worn bodies and 24 hours of thrill had finally culminated in this moment!  One by one the riders came in, parked and were met with cheers from the hundred-odd fans.  Fist-bumps, hugs, and in Bagels case, a cold beer down the jacket greeted the teams.  Camera paparazzi got their shots, posing each team as they came in.  Some were elusive and I missed them but my fave shot is SFSG, beers in hand slugging it back after a long night. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

New ride in the works

Allright my rider friends!  I'm working on it slowly but surely.  A Treasure Island ride will take place some time after Rage and before the SFSG rally.  We'll meet somewhere in San Francisco and tool through the city for a bit before hitting the first half of the Bay Bridge.  An island tour will end with us eating at a nice little waterfront cafe before heading back in. 
Bring your camera--you'll get to see the new bridge being built up alongside the current one, and the marina has amazing views of the SF waterfront. 
Bring some cash--the cafe's card system is satellite based and sometimes doesn't work. But heck, it's cheap at least!
Bring a scooter that you're comfortable taking on the freeway and be OK with the high gusty winds of the Bridge. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rage is coming

I'll be there, but I wont be doing too much riding. If you see a gimpy girl with a big camera walking towards you, expect to be interviewed, or to be kinneared! 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Covet Item of the Week.

It may only be a concept, but OM MY GOD. I want this!  And what a name: "Scooter Armadillo"!