Saturday, May 22, 2010

the angry cager

We've all had it happen.
Sometimes it's at a rally when a car gets cut off--they hit their horn, get out, or worst of all try to MERGE into ride.   Then there are the ones that just randomly seem to get pissed off, though wearing your Colors may seem to increase this frequency.
Mods Vs. Rockers was last weekend, and it's a prime example of when you can run into the Angry Cager.  This is one of the more fun, illegal-move filled chaotic rides that takes place in SF every year.  At least one accident each year happens: two riders collide because one stopped instead of moving with traffic, or someone will show off in the tunnel and end up high-siding into the guard rail.  But let's face it--things like this are what add to the thrill of two-wheels.
On the way home last week from MvR, I had a run-in with the species known as the Angry Cager. The Angry Cager is known for not being very bright, and having lots of time of their hands.  This can be fun, or it can be destructive. I like a little of both.
Here's what happened for me:
"Hey. Hey. Hey! HEY!!!!!!"  The grey BMW rental car behind me starts to yell.  I'm waiting behind another car to make the right turn onto Franklin.  The light is red, and I've got my turn signal on.
I check my mirror.  He's waving.  "Hey!!! You!!"
"Yeah?" I turn, put my hand up in question.
"MOVE!" he screams.  "Go!"
"red light buddy.  Traffics moving too fast.  I can't go and neither can the person in front of me." 
Ordinarily, I'd move up, maybe try to get into traffic, but I'm on my friends borrowed bike that at 50cc' rugged but can't get out of it's own way in uphill traffic.
BMW guy shuts up and sits back in his seat. I swear he's pouting.  Anyway, the light turns green and I move to get into the furthest left lane.  I'm right behind the car that was first onto the street.
The BMW sounds its horn...and stays on it.  Now I'm getting a little irritated.  This guy is being a child.  Safety third.
As I finally get into the lane, he pulls up into the next lane and hollers "You're going to get killed!"
Then zooms away. 
Just like that. No "I'm going to kill you", or "you should die", just a plain ole "you're going to get killed.". Well, shit....I guess we all are at some point!  Thanks buddy! And here I thought I was going to live forever.
I watched him cut through a yellow turning red light, weaving in and out of other cars going the speed limit until he got to the next red light a few blocks ahead.  Same thing: leaning out of the car and gesturing at the one in front of him.   I can only assume that this guy was on his way back to his native habitat of Tiburon, but I can't be sure.  It's never fun to have an angry cager riding your ass through the city, but this one was fortunately too preoccupied to pursue me, as some have. 

So I ask...what have you done with angry cagers? Do you goad them, or push them to do a little more? Maybe throw that random rotten egg their direction? You know, the one you just *happened* to have in your glovebox?

1 comment:

  1. I usually lane split past them and try to leave them as far behind as possible.
